


Arun Kumar

Talk #1: Augmented Reality with React Native using Viro SDK


What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) seamlessly blends virtual elements with the real world, enhancing the physical environment with digital overlays like images or objects.

Examples of A.R Given : IKEA using the A.R

Fundamental Concepts

Viro React for AR

Why use Viro React?

Shanthi P

Talk #2: Exploring the World of Microfrontend Architecture with React


What is Microfrontend Architechture?

Microfrontend architechture allows the architecture to be broken down into separate modules that have low coupling between them and can function as separate unit.

Major points noted from the talk


Integration Strategies

After this Shanthi P,showed us how module federation can be utilised to implement micro-frontend architecture.

Create-mf-app : To create module federations between several web-apps

Data passing techniques

Quizzizz react

A Fun Quiz based on React and frontend concepts was held.

Dani Akash

​Talk #3: Building web components with React


Web components

With the rise of frontend technologies embracing componentization principles, users have had the option to utilize native components. However, when native web APIs are necessary for component creation, web components enter the spotlight.

Combination of react and web components

After general explaination of basic concepts related to web components, Dani showed us a demo of how we can incorporate any frontend framework code into web components by using web components as a layer above that code.

Networking Session

During the networking session, I had the pleasure of engaging with professionals from diverse fields. One standout encounter was with Shaul Hameed, who provided a comprehensive explanation on the distinction between Shadow DOM and Virtual DOM.

Other People I met in the talk